Granted this is reality television I'm writing about, as someone who goes to work everyday as a private investor I have to vent. The whole concept of the show is completely at odds with what I believe to be the most important aspects of investing. These investors listen to a five to ten minute pitch about the company raising capital, couple it with the same amount of time for Q&A, and their decision is made. (I won’t even get into the fact that this show focuses on start-ups, perhaps the riskiest investments of all.) How can someone make an informed decision about an industry and business they know little to nothing about after a brief conversation? What happened to everything that makes investing difficult? My reality day in and day out consists of extensive industry-specific research, meticulous diligence on financial prospects, investigation of a management team’s track record, and competitive analysis.
So, going back to my friend's email. If the public views private investors as they are portrayed on Shark Tank, then that’s quite a shame. What makes me more worried, though, is that based on some of my daily interactions with investors and capital raisers, maybe Shark Tank isn’t too far from reality at all…