Monday, November 25, 2013

Catalus Bought What? Where?

I’ve gotten a lot of questions lately about our most recent investment, and rightfully so.  The deal marks little resemblance to transactions that we’ve done in the past.  Our acquisition of the Sirenusa Residences in St. John, US Virgin Islands, is an example of the flexibility that Catalus has to pursue unique opportunities and of an evolution that our fund’s focus has undergone. 

When Michael Freeburg and I founded Catalus almost three years ago, we purposefully structured the fund so that we could evolve and react to shifts in the market.  Our goal was to always be identifying the most attractive risk/reward weighted opportunities for our investors. 

We originally set out with a focus on middle market mezzanine lending, as we believed there was an opportunity in an under-invested niche.  A massive change has occurred in the debt markets since our inception, which has proven our investment thesis to be correct, but also has caused it to be no longer valid.  Mezzanine lending has enjoyed tremendous performance in the last three years, resulting in a flood of capital to be raised by new and existing firms.  Our assessment of the market is that it is experiencing high competition, declining pricing, deteriorating credit profiles, and increasingly aggressive lenders – so basically everything that we try to avoid.

Catalus has evolved into a special situation focused investment fund which identifies under-served niches.  Here are some examples of deals we look at frequently:
  • Distressed assets and businesses
  • Bankruptcy
  • Litigation
  • Partner disputes
  • Unique geographies and/or business models
  • Companies focused on a specific and/or unpopular niche
  • Bridge loans
  • Cash flow light/asset heavy capital raises
  • High level of general complexity
While we like to be in a debt position, we’ve been increasingly considering preferred equity and equity co-investment deals.  In some rare cases we’ll even consider acquiring something, as we did in St. John, but that won’t happen often. 
After all, who can resist the most prestigious property on the #1 ranked Caribbean island?  More details to come…